Wednesday, December 14, 2011


        A fallacy is an error in reasoning that results in an invalid argument
        Three common fallacies:
          Vague or ambiguous premises
          Begging the question (assuming what is to be proved)
          Jumping to conclusions without adequate grounds
        Converse Error:
          Premises: p à q and q, conclusion: p
        Inverse Error:
          Premises: p à q and ~p, conclusion: ~q
        It is possible for a valid argument to have false conclusion and for an invalid argument to have a true conclusion:
          Premises: if John Lennon was a rock star, then John Lennon had red hair, John Lennon was a rock star; Conclusion: John Lennon had red hair
          Premises: If New York is a big city, then New York has tall buildings, New York has tall buildings; Conclusion: New York is a big city

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