Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Digital Logic Circuits

          Digital Logic Circuits
        Digital Logic Circuit is a basic electronic component of a digital system
        Values of digital signals are 0 or 1 (bits)
        Black Box is specified by the signal input/output table
        Three gates: NOT-gate, AND-gate, OR-gate
        Combinational circuit is a combination of logical gates
        Combinational circuit always correspond to some boolean expression, such that input/output table of a table and a truth table of the expression are identical
        A recognizer is a circuit that outputs 1 for exactly one particular combination of input signals and outputs 0’s for all other combinations
        Multiple-input AND and OR gates
        Finding a circuit that corresponds to a given input/output table:
          Construct equivalent boolean expression using disjunctive normal form: for all outputs of 1 construct a conjunctive form based on the truth table row. All conjunctive forms are united using disjunction
          Construct a digital logic circuit equivalent to the boolean expression
        Design a circuit for the following output: (0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)
        Two digital logic circuits are equivalent iff their input/output tables are identical
        Simplification of circuits
        Scheffer stroke (NAND)
        Peirce arrow (NOR)

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